Thursday, 19 December 2013

In Facebook

In Facebook, 
On one side, I see Muslim friends keep sharing politics stuffs. 
On the other side, I see Muslim friends keep sharing dakwah stuffs. 
Meanwhile, non-Muslim friends share just anything happening to them,
while then, they also share wisdom words,
in Facebook.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

HIJAB ~ Bro & Sis

Hijab is not just sisters' struggle to wear them,
it is also brothers' struggle to defend them 
both from misconceptions' attacks.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

CNY Stroll

Yesterday after our reunion dinner, I and my parents decided to have a stroll outside grandma's house. As we walked passed by a few houses, we saw other families having reunion dinners too; interestingly among them was this family dining at their house garden. 

When I see the same activity happening collectively in various places, I can't help but feeling the warmth effect of CNY reunion. However, I do understand not everyone (including certain reverts) is able to dine together due to certain circumstances. Nevertheless, the moment when you have the chance to do so, appreciate this closer to your heart.

(written in Facebook, 10th February 2013)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Most Beloved People to Allah

 أحب الناس إلى الله تعالى أنفعهم للناس ، وأحب الأعمال إلى الله عز وجل سرور يدخله على مسلم ، أو يكشف عنه كربة ، أو يقضي عنه دينا ، أو يطرد عنه جوعا ، ولأن أمشي مع أخ في حاجة أحب إلي من أن أعتكف في هذا المسجد ( يعني : مسجد المدينة ) شهرا ، ومن كف غضبه ستر الله عورته ، ومن كظم غيظه _ ولو شاء أن يمضيه أمضاه _ ملأ الله قلبه رجاء يوم القيامة ، ومن مشى مع أخيه في حاجة حتى تتهيأ له ؛ أثبت الله قدمه يوم تزول الأقدام ، وإن سوء الخلق يفسد العمل كما يفسد الخل العسل

“The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit to people,

and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim,
or relieve him of distress,
or pay off his debt
or stave away hunger from him.

It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need than I stay secluded in the mosque for a month.

Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will cover his faults

and whoever suppresses his fury while being able to execute it, Allah will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Resurrection.

Whoever walks with his brother Muslim in need until he establishes that for him, Allah will establish his feet firmly on the day when all feet shall slip.

Indeed, bad character ruins deeds just as vinegar ruins honey.”

[At-Tabarani, Silsilah Saheeha, Hasan by Shaykh Albani]

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Everything in this world we live in, needs maintenance.

Our teeth will decay if not maintained with care.

Even airplanes need frequent maintenance.

And yet we think we can live well without prayers.

Knowledge Of The World

Knowledge is so vast, yet we don't have much time to live in this world.

Choose the knowledge that is worth dying for....

....the Hereafter.


In this life, no state is eternal.
If it's painful, be patient, it will change.
If it's pleasurable, don't get attached, it will change.
Yasmin Mogahed

‘Life is a continuous internal struggle for both patience and gratitude. When you have a healthy balance of both, trusting Allah comes quite naturally.’
—from the journal of Umm Zakiyyah

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Nama Jahiliah & Nama Islam

Nama-nama yang dikatakan Islamik seperti Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Hafsah....
Sebenarnya adalah nama-nama orang bukan-Muslim semasa Jahiliah.
Selepas mereka masuk Islam, apakah nama Islam mereka?
Jawapannya, Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali, Hafsah juga....

Sebelum saya masuk Islam, saya bernama Chong Kok Hoong.
Setelah kembali ke Islam, maka nama Islam saya ialah....
Chong Kok Hoong

Chong / 张 = nama keluargaku
Kok / 国 = Negara
Hoong / 雄 = Pahlawan

A Place of Worship

What makes this room seem so Divine,
despite the blank wall and floor?

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Your Name On A Book

Often whenever I buy a book, I will sign my name and purchase date on the inner cover of the book. I will write it beautifully because I'm proud of having a copy of this book. 

But one incident changed my mind profoundly.

A team mate recently asked if I have copies of English & Chinese interpretations of Holy Qur'an. For the sake of Da'wah, I agreed right-away without hesitation, as I had both of these copies. An extra copy of Chinese Qur'an was in my car, but the English one -a pocket-sized copy - had my name signature and my handwritten notes on it.

Without a second thought, I just give it away.
But what about my signature name in it?

I stared at my signature for a moment. And I realized, Qur'an is for whole humanity. Not only for Muslims, and definitely not me myself either. I realize if again I buy another copy of translated Quran and signed my name on it, it's meaningless.

I decided finally that from now onwards, I will not sign my name on the front inner cover of books, but just a simple handwritten name on the last page of the book.

Some people might need it more than us. And when they can benefit from our books a lot, inshaAllah wouldn't the blessings & rewards from Allah increases more than we read it ourselves?

If it's a book that you've purchase with your hard-earned money, then you can still share what you have learn from it to your loved ones. May Allah reward you for that.

This is also why in Islam, whatever we learn, we should teach/share it to others too, instead of just keeping it to ourselves. It does help in keeping our hearts humble, instead of being proud of possessing what we were taught.

~self reminder...

Monday, 4 November 2013

Autumn Creations

People generally will appreciate 
the autumn leaves, 
even if God isn't in their minds.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


You don't like to be racist,
but you still want to be racist,
just because of some people you don't like.
Please don't contradict yourself.
Either you admit you're racist,
or you are not.
Full stop.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Alone on Mountain

It is Hajj season.
Believers are crowding into the Sanctuary.
A Sanctuary where everything begins.

My heart seems to follow the wind.
It keeps blowing me to a mountain.
I don't know which peak it is.
Standing on top of everything.
Admiring His majestic creations.

My heart keeps wanting to be alone
alone on the mountain.
But it doesn't feels lonely.
Who is accompanying me actually?

A yearning so great,
no language can match it.
Only you & Creator.
Please treasure this solace,
before the Day,
only you & Allah,
coz' by that time,
you're standing on fiery field....

Monday, 21 October 2013


When you are single, they ask you when you'll get married.
When you're married, they'll ask you when you'll have baby.
When you have baby, they'll ask you when you'll have second one.
But hardly anyone will ask you, "when you'll have a second wife?" 

Don't ask me, I'm not looking for any extra 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

From Buddhism to Islam- What Does It Mean To Me?

My conversion from a Buddhist to a Muslim does not mean I have leave Buddhism as my religion.
However, being a Muslim actually helps me to put the basic Five Precepts of Buddhism (pañca-sīla) into practice everyday.

What are the Five Precepts taught in Buddhism?

Pañca-sīla / The Five Precepts 
(In Pali & English language)

1) Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
    I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing.

2) Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
    I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.

3) Kāmesumicchācāra veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
    I undertake the training to avoid sexual misconduct.

4) Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.
    I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech.

5) Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi
     I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness.

Friday, 18 October 2013



Cina mahu ISLAM la...

You might not hear them saying this now. But on the Judgement Day, you will hear that...loud & clear. How are you going to fulfill their wish at that time?

-self reminder

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Poem #14:雪,血



Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Poem #13

I have always hope to get married as soon as possible.
And if possible, as instant as cooking instant noodles.
But often we forget that 
only through Allah, the final result is fulfilled. 
Whether is now or later, 
patience & optimism towards Him is the car key
towards journey to nikah.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Separated but Connected

A separation between us to faraway places from each other has made me realize that only Allah is all-able to connect us both together~

O Allah, please guide me to be among the patient ones, who put one's trust in You only...

Monday, 30 September 2013

伊斯兰教的意思 (The meaning of Islam)

『伊斯兰』 有三 个单字组 成 :

第一 是  ‘Salam’。 Salam 是平安,平 静。
第 二 是 ‘Aslama’。Aslama 是 服从 。
第 三 是 ‘Salima’。Salima 是 纯正。

所以, 伊斯兰 的意思 是 要 得到 平安, 我 们 就 必 须 服 从 真 主 ( Allah) 的 旨意 。

~感谢Ek Pardesi写这张文章 :)

Dhikr of Dawn

Looking out at the window to observe the brightening dawn from 6.30am to 7.00am is simply calming as it brings Shukr to heart. Chanting Dhikr, remembrance of Allah, at such moment, forms a symphony alongside Dhikr from chirping birds~ Alhamduliah :D

Yasmeen Amina Oyla, a Rumi Sufi Harpist and Singer

Friday, 27 September 2013

Maaf, Tiada Maaf Bagimu

"Wahai kalian Quraisy, apakah yang kamu fikirkan akan ku lakukan terhadap kamu semua?" sambung Baginda dengan sabdanya.
Jawab mereka: "Tentulah baik, kerana saudara seorang yang mulia anak kepada saudara yang mulia". 
Maka jawab Rasulullah s.a.w: "Sesungguhnya aku berkata kepada kalian seperti Yusof telah berkata kepada saudara-saudaranya: Tiada tempelak ke atas kamu di hari ini, Ayuh beredarlah, kamu semua bebas.
(Sirah Nabi- Ar-Raheeq-ul-Makhtum)

Teringatkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w ini dalam Pembukaan Makkah pada 20 Ramadan 8H (11 Januari 630M) semasa terbaca muka depan surat khabar yang membawa berita kematian Chin Peng, iaitu setiausaha agung Parti Komunis Malaya yang sekian lama diharamkan. 

Apa pula kaitan kematian beliau dengan Pembukaan Makkah? Tentu sekali tiada kaitan. 
Yang ingin diketengahkan di sini ialah, lebih 8 tahun orang bukan-Muslim Quraish telah menganiayai Rasulullah s.a.w dan para sahabanya. Mereka membunuh, memboikot, mencaci, dan menghina para Muslimin Muslimat tersebut, namun Rasulullah s.a.w. masih mampu memaafkan penduduk ini juga dengan aman damai.

Semasa Chin Peng masih hidup, mengapa kita menghalangnya daripada menunaikan hasrat baktinya sebagai anak untuk menziarahi kubur mendiang ibu bapanya? 

Apa pula yang menghalang kita daripada memaafkan orang yang jasadnya sekarang telah tinggal debu? 

Pernah tak kita terfikir jikalau Chin Peng kembali ke agama fitrah, apatah lagi dalam sejarah Islam, penduduk non-Muslim Quraish telah memeluk agam Islam selepas mereka dimaafkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w? Atau kita tidak sama sekali mahunya mengenal keindahan Islam disebabkan dendam kita yang melebihi segalanya? 

P/S: Nota ini tidak sama sekali ingin mendewa-dewakan beliau, tetapi adalah mengenai sikap sebahagian daripada kita sebagai Muslim terhadap musuh yang tidak mampu menjadi musuh lagi.

[Originally posted in MRM @ 18 September 2013]
Photo from

Air Wudu Bukan Percuma

Seringkali semasa bersiap-sedia untuk bersolat Jemaah di masjid atau surau, ramai (walaupun bukan semua) orang akan membuka air paip dengan kuat, seolah-olah kita masih ada bekalan air seluas lautan Pasifik. 

Tak pernah terfikirkah ini adalah satu pembaziran? Tahniah kerana bersegera menunaikan Solat Fardhu, tetapi usahlah menambahkan dosa kita dalam melakukan perbuatan yang dicintai Allah SWT...

Di China misalnya, air bukan percuma. Di gambar ini, di tengah-tengah bilik wudu, ada tabung derma. Dalam maksud tersirat sebenarnya ia meminta para Jemaah untuk menderma supaya pihak masjid boleh membayar bil air. Kadang kala, salinan fotokopi bil air tertunggak akan digantung di atas kotak derma itu sebagai peringatan dan rayuan agar bersama-sama membantu masjid. Malah anda akan diminta membayar sekurang-kurangnya 5 Yuan (RM2.40) sebelum mandi sunat/hadas besar di situ. Ya, memang murah, tapi adakah kita pernah terfikir walau kos air itu pun semasa mengunakannya?

Mengikut pengalaman penulis yang belajar di sana, kelihatan kotak derma dalam bilik wudu ini telah menginsafkannya untuk berjimat cermat dan hanya guna yang secukupnya selepas pulang ke tanah air.

Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya orang yang membazir itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan dan syaitan itu adalah sangat ingkar kepada Tuhannya” (Surah al-Isra', ayat 27).

Rasulullah juga bersabda dalam riwayat daripada al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah, yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya Allah mengharamkan ke atas kamu menderhaka kepada ibu, menanam anak perempuan hidup-hidup, enggan memberi (menyedekahkan) miliknya tetapi meminta-minta milik orang lain dan ditegah ke atas kamu tiga perkara, iaitu mengada-adakan cerita, banyak bertanya dan membazirkan harta.” (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari).

Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama mempertingkatkan kualiti Solat kita bukan saja dalam aspek semasa Solat, tetapi juga dari permulaan pertamanya, iaitu Wudu. 

Originally posted in MRM @ 24 March 2013

Pelita & Colok Di Tepi Jalan

Perayaan Zhong Yuan merupakan perayaan yang disambut oleh kalangan penganut agama Buddha & Tao pada seluruh bulan 7 dalam kalendar lunar Tionghua, dengan hari ke-15 (hari ini) sebagai kemuncak perayaan ini. Mulai hari pertama, adalah dipercayai bahawa pintu neraka akan terbuka luas supaya roh dan hantu boleh keluar ke dunia ini untuk menjamu makanan manusia. 

Pelita-pelita, lilin, dan batang-batang colok yang dinyalakan bertujuan sebagai tanda upacara sedang dijalankan dan untuk mengajak roh & hantu. "Wang kertas Neraka" dibakar sebagai keperluan belanja mereka. Dalam masa yang sama, makanan berupa nasi, biskut, dan minuman disediakan untuk makhluk ghaib yang telah lama kelaparan dalam neraka. Hantu-hantu ini terdiri daripada roh ahli keluarga yang telah meninggal dunia, roh hantu yang tiada tempat bergantung semasa hidup, dan hantu yang mati terseksa sebelum mati. Dengan melakukan permujaan ini, para penganut berharap roh-roh ini mendapat ketenangan dan tidak menganggu mereka yang masih hidup.

Walaupun perayaan ini kelihatan menakutkan, asal-usulnya sebenarnya adalah sebaliknya kerana ia lebih menjurus kepada kebaktian kepada orang tua. Dalam kitab Ullambana Sutra, diceritakan bahawa Gautama Buddha mengajar pengikut setianya Moggallana tentang cara membebaskan roh mendiang ibunya yang telah dilahirkan semula di alam Neraka terendah. Difahamkan bahawa alam di situ sungguh seksa sehinggakan makanan nasi turut bertukar menjadi arang membara. Kesedihan inilah yang menyebabkan Moggallana bertekad untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian. Atas nasihat gurunya Gautama Buddha, beliau pun menderma makanan kepada kira-kira 500 sami-sami supaya ibunya dapat dilahirkan semula (reincarnation) dalam keadaan baik.

Petikan ini juga mengingatkan kita kepada pentingnya kebaktian kepada kedua ibu bapa yang Rasulullah s.a.w tekankan. Antaranya:
1) Anak soleh solehah mendoakan keampunan Allah kepada awrah ibu bapa.
2) Tingginya kedudukan ibu dalam Islam, sepertimana yang ditekankan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w sebanyak 3 kali "ibu, ibu, ibu" dan "syurga terletak di bawah tapak kakinya."

Diharapkan apa yang disampaikan di sini sebagai pengetahuan umum dapat membantu kita dalam memahami jiran majmuk kita. Sememangnya perayaan ini tiada kaitan dengan Islam, tetapi permahaman terhadap asal-usulnya dapat membantu kita dalam toleransi dan untuk berdakwah membantu Belum-Muslim memahami Islam, sepertimana dalam firman Allah SWT:

"...marilah kita bersama atas kalimat yang serupa, di antara kami dan di antara kamu.."
~ Al-Qur'an 3:64

Akhir sekali, ia juga mengingatkan kita kepada firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud:

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya semata-mata, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang dari keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan "Ha", dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun).
~ Al-Quran 17:23

(Tafsir terjermahan dalam bahasa Cina)
~ 古兰经 17:23

gambar daripada:

Originally posted in MRM @ 21 August 2013

Antara Mengenang & Menyembah

Perayaan Qing Ming (清明节) yang disambut hari ini bertujuan memberi peluang kepada ahli keluarga kaum Cina (terutamanya beragama Buddha / Tao) yang masih hidup untuk mengenang ahli-ahli keluarga tersayang yang telah sekian meninggal dunia. Biasanya mereka akan menziarahi tempat terakhir mendiang mereka berada, iaitu kubur / makam. 

Adat mengenang ini ditekankan dalam
 Konfusianisme iaitu budaya berbakti kepada orang yang lebih tua dalam keluarga. Terdapat beberapa versi dalam asal-usul tradisi ini. Antaranya berkisahkan maharaja China dinasti Han (tahun 206 sebelum Masihi) yang berjaya naik takhta, tetapi ibu bapanya telahpun meninggal dunia. Dengan tekad ingin berkongsi kegembiraan kejayaannya, baginda mengarahkan menteri-menterinya untuk mencari semula kubur mendiang ibu bapanya yang jauh di perkampungan. Setelah terjumpa, baginda terus membersihkan batu nisan kubur yang sekian terbiar akibat peperangan, lalu melutut sambil berkata, "Ibu bapaku! Anakmu telah pulang ke pangkuanmu!". Dari kisah ini, bermulalah tradisi menziarahi & membersihkan persekitaran kubur yang diamalkan rakyatnya hingga sekarang.

Bagaimana pula dengan batang colok (joss sticks/烧香), barang harian buatan kadbod dan kertas-kertas sembahyang yang dibakar?

Ya, itu bahagian keagamaan. Ia berfungsi sebagai alat menghubungkan silaturahim antara mendiang ahli keluarga dengan ahli yang masih hidup. Mengenang adalah akar tunjangnya, manakala upacara keagamaan adalah peralatan tambahan untuk mewarnai maksud tunjang ini.

Oleh itu, bagi individual Cina yang telah beriman kepada Allah SWT sebagai Tuhan Penciptanya dan Muhammad SAW sebagai contoh ikutan terbaik umat manusia, tinggalkanlah upacara keagamaan itu, dan kekalkanlah pegangan mengenang jasa mendiang dengan membantu membersihkan kubur bersama, sambil itu mendoakan dalam hati supaya ahli keluarga lain mendapat Hidayah. Manakala yang telah beriman tetapi belum mengumumkan keIslaman mereka kepada keluarga, dibolehkan memegang colok sambil menetapkan dalam hati bahawa hanya Allah SWT layak disembah. Untuk yang mempunyai mendiang ibu bapanya yang telahpun kembali ke agama fitrah, terpulanglah kepada mereka untuk melawat, kerana sesungguhnya, walau di mana jua kita boleh sahaja berdoa kepada Allah SWT untuk mengampuni dosa-dosa orang tua beriman mereka.

Diriwayatkan oleh 'Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila:
Sahl bin Hunaif & Qais bin Sad sedang duduk dalam bandar Al-Qadisiya. Sebuah perarakan pengebumian sedang berlalu di depan mereka dan mereka berdua pun berdiri. Mereka diberitahu bahawa yang dikebumikan itu ialah seorang penduduk bukan-Muslim (yang mempunyai status perlindungan pemerintah Muslim). Mereka pun berkata, "Adanya perarakan pengebumian berlalu di depan Rasulullah s.a.w dan baginda pun berdiri. Apabila diberitahu bahawa itu adalah keranda orang Yahudi, baginda menjawab, "Bukankah dia juga adalah makhluk (yang mempunyai roh)?""
(Sahih Bukhari :: Buku 2 :: Jilid 23 :: Hadith no. 399)

Keutamaan menghormati ibu bapa sebagai sebahagian daripada kesempurnaan seorang individu ditekankan oleh Konfucius apabila beliau berkata:

"Seorang permuda perlu berkhidmat kepada ibu bapanya di rumah dan menghormati orang-orang tua di luar rumah (awam). Dia perlu sentiasa ikhlas dan jujur, menyayangi semua, tetapi juga merendah diri. Selepas mengamalkan semua ini, jika mampu, bolehlah belajar sastera dan seni." - petikan daripada kitab Analek / 论语

Dalam Islam sendiri, banyak ayat Al-Qur'an dan Hadith telah memberi keutamaan dalam perkara yang sama. Antaranya firman Allah SWT: 

وَقَضَىٰ رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوٓا۟ إِلَّآ إِيَّاهُ وَبِٱلْوَلِدَيْنِ إِحْسَنًا ۚ إِمَّا يَبْلُغَنَّ عِندَكَ ٱلْكِبَرَ أَحَدُهُمَآ أَوْ كِلَاهُمَا فَلَا تَقُل لَّهُمَآ أُفٍّۢ وَلَا تَنْهَرْهُمَا وَقُل لَّهُمَا قَوْلًۭا كَرِيمًۭا * وَٱخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ ٱلذُّلِّ مِنَ ٱلرَّحْمَةِ وَقُل رَّبِّ ٱرْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِى صَغِيرًۭا
“Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya semata-mata, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang dari keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan "Ha", dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun) Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil."”
~Qur'an 17:23-24

Oleh itu, adalah amat penting perkara ini difahami demi membezakan adat dan agama ia.
Semoga petikan ini dapat memberikan pembaca sekalian satu gambaran jelas tentang perayaan ini dan dapat membantu revert yang menghadapi dugaan ini.

Info tentang colok (dalam bahasa Inggeris):

(Gambar hiasan dari

Originally posted in MRM @ 31 March 2013

Of Cherish & Worship

Today is the exact date of Qing Ming festival, whereby it gives the living family members (especially Buddhists/Taoists) to reconnect with their deceased loved ones. Usually, this is done by visiting and cleaning the deceased's grave and perform religious rituals on it. The visiting can also be done a week earlier or a week after the supposed date. 

This tradition is in line with Confucianism teachings of filial piety. There are many versions of this festival's origins. One of the notable story tells about a Chinese emperor of Han dynasty (around 206AD) who succeeded in claiming the throne over previous dynasty. However, his parents had passed away long ago and their graves are lost in the war-torn state. Thus, he decided to search his beloved parents' graves with the help of his ministers. Once found, he immediately clean off the dirt from the tombstone and kneel down, exclaiming, "My mother, my father! Your unfilial son has just return!". Later, his people started visiting their beloved's graves which is still practised until now.

What about the joss sticks (烧香) and those cardboard-made objects and prayer papers that are burned there?

Yes, those are religious side of it. These items enable the living family to have a sense of connection with the deceased (by "sending" these items to another world). Remembrance is the principle foundation of this festival, whereas the religious rituals are to give this festival a meaning to the family, as the people at that time practised Buddhists and Taoists.

Thus, for a Chinese who has bear witness that Allah Almighty is his Only Creator and Muhammad (pbuh) as his Prophet and best examplar of humankind, leave the religious side of it, but you may keep the remembrance. It is permissible to help clean the grave, and perhaps when possible, pray in your heart that may Allah grant your living family members the Hidayah.

For those who have already reverted to Islam, but still need to hide their faith due to safety reasons, you may first try your best to avoid the rituals. Otherwise, you may do it, but telling yourself in heart that only Allah is worthy to be worshipped.
As for reverts whom their deceased family members are also Muslim reverts too (Alhamduliah), it is better for you to visit their graves anytime, not just during this festival. However, it's also up to you to visit or otherwise, as it is not compulsory for Muslims. It is better to personally pray to Allah in your Du'a to forgive their souls.

Narrated 'Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila:
Sahl bin Hunaif and Qais bin Sad were sitting in the city of Al-Qadisiya. A funeral procession passed in front of them and they stood up. They were told that funeral procession was of one of the inhabitants of the land i.e. of a non-believer, under the protection of Muslims. They said, "A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet and he stood up. When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jew, he said, "Is he not a living being (soul)?"
(Sahih Bukhari Hadith:: Book 2 :: Volume 23 :: Hadith no. 399)

The great importance of respecting parents as part of the wholesomeness of an individual has been emphasized by Confucius when he said:

"At home, a young man should be a good son, when outside he should treat others like his brothers, his behavior should be one of trustworthy and proper, and should love the multitude at large and keep himself close to people of benevolence and morality. If after all these activities, he has any energy to spare, he should read widely to stay cultivated."
- The Analects (论语), chapter 1, verse 6

In Islam itself, there are plenty of Qur'an verses and Hadith that priotise the same thing. Among them, Allah Almighty commands:

وَقَضَىٰ رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوٓا۟ إِلَّآ إِيَّاهُ وَبِٱلْوَلِدَيْنِ إِحْسَنًا ۚ إِمَّا يَبْلُغَنَّ عِندَكَ ٱلْكِبَرَ أَحَدُهُمَآ أَوْ كِلَاهُمَا فَلَا تَقُل لَّهُمَآ أُفٍّۢ وَلَا تَنْهَرْهُمَا وَقُل لَّهُمَا قَوْلًۭا كَرِيمًۭا * وَٱخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ ٱلذُّلِّ مِنَ ٱلرَّحْمَةِ وَقُل رَّبِّ ٱرْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِى صَغِيرًۭا

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was small."”
~Qur'an 17:23-24

Hence, it is indeed very important to understand its background in order to differentiate between the cultural significance and the religious side of this festival.
Hopefully, may this passage not only enable readers to have a clear picture of this festival, but also to able to help reverts who are facing this challenge during this time.

p/s: More information about joss sticks:

(Image from 國際道家學術總會粉絲專頁)

Originally posted in MRM @ 4 April 2013

Pelbagai Lambang Terhadap Makhluk Allah

Semua orang tahu arnab adalah salah satu ciptaan Allah SWT. Yang uniknya, ada pelbagai tafsiran dan simbolisme dilabelkan terhadap haiwan ini:

- Dalam budaya Aztec di Mexico, arnab melambangkan kesuburan ovum dan pesta.
- Dalam budaya Cina, Korea dan Jepun, arnab melambangkan teman bulan      yang membuat jampi kekal abadi untuk dewi puteri lagenda Chang Er.
- Dalam lagenda Yahudi, arnab melambangkan ketakutan atau pengecut. 
- Dalam budaya Vietnam, arnab melambangkan kecergasan permuda. 
- Arnab digunakan dilambangkan berfoya-foya iaitu "Playboy". 

Adakah betul-betul arnab dicipta dengan lambang begitu?
Sesungguhnya ia hanya tafsiran yang diberi oleh salah satu ciptaan Allah saja, iaitu manusia. 

Walau tujuan utama arnab dicipta tidak begitu diketahui, namun yang pasti, arnab merupakan tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah, dan setiap di dunia ini bukan dicipta dengan sia-sia tujuannya oleh Allah SWT.

Ini telah diterangkan dalam firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:
"(Iaitu) orang-orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa mereka berdiri dan duduk dan semasa mereka berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Tidaklah Engkau menjadikan benda-benda ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari azab neraka."" - Qur'an 3;191 

Begitu juga dengan khinzir. Manusia sebagai Khalifah Allah di muka Bumi ini, tidak sepatutnya mengaitkan sesuatu ciptaan Allah dengan kehinaan. 

Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui (Wallahualam)

p/s: Yang pasti, arnab memang comel. MashaAllah~ 

(Gambar hiasan dari Google)
Originally posted in MRM @ 22 March 2013.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Who's Your God?

Everyone knows that by doing good deeds, they stand the chance of entering Heaven.
But not everyone knows what the Owner of Heaven wants from them.

In order to join a company, you must obey its boss's rules.
Earning profit for the company but also boss's displeasure, earns you nothing.

The search for True Religion, begins with knowing who God really is....

Sunday, 14 July 2013

"how's your Dakwah?" - 14/7/2013

Our brother Hassan from Madinah gave me a surprise call at 10am Saturday yesterday (approximately Sahur period in Saudi time). 

Guess what? Apart from conveying his Ramadan greetings, the first thing he asked was, 
"how's your Dakwah?"

Short question, but profound one. It just struck my mind how important it is. Dakwah is not just done during organized events, but a near 24/7 task. After all, this is what Prophet pbuh did most of the time.
What a reminder! >__<

Besides, he would also like to convey his Salam to all BFSU campus friends 

p/s: For those who doesn't know Hassan, he used to study in BFSU university in Beijing in 2011. His active involvement in Dakwah also helped our Malaysian Muslim brothers to actively focus on Sunnah ways. May Allah grant him Jannah 

"By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience."
- Quran 103:1-3

What if all along you've been good to them?

Normally after you've reverted to Islam, inshaAllah psychologically your parents would accept you well when you could prove to them that you're a better person after reverting. From terrible to better 

But what if all along you've been good to them? In other words, there's no contrast for you to let them see the difference.

And in worst case, instead of loving you like before, they scold you, nag you for reasons like the hassle of going for Halal food. You want to shower your love to them, but you're hindered by their bitterness. As a result, you might be raising your voice out of reaction. You cannot even put a smile after realizing you've been cheated into eating what you thought as chicken, but actually contain pork. 

How to be better person, better than before-reversion, when you're so badly treated like an enemy in the family?

Perhaps, perhaps I've come to an understanding that, when you're being scolded, your only way is to bite your lips, and put a struggle not to raise voice. That way, you won't be making things worst. That way too, you won't be labeled as "becoming worst than before-reversion" even though they're scolding you for petty mistakes. "Mistakes" such as refusing to eat a vegetable that has been dipped into pork (that action has been labeled as "extremism" weirdly).

All in all, don't let your frustration become a target of their excuse. Continue to show your kindness in other ways, such as when your mom told you to wash dishes, even if you've been unfairly called to do this 100 times while your siblings aren't doing anything. Consider this as serving Allah. Trust me, inshaAllah you will feel less frustrated.

And when you keep your focus on serving Allah, inshaAllah Allah will help turn the situation. Alhamduliah, my mom now instructs my younger brother to wash dishes. Fair, Allah is Fair.

Perhaps there're better ways and surely Allah is Most Wise. May Allah grant us better understanding and may He open our beloved family members' hearts to Islam...

Friday, 5 July 2013

No doubt, Allah is Ever Merciful =)

Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra) relates that some prisoners were brought before ALLAH's Messenger (saw) and amongst them was a woman who was frantically searching for someone in the crowd.

When she found a baby amongst the prisoners, she took it in her arms, cradled it next to her chest and suckled it. So ALLAH's Messenger (saw) said: "Do you think that this woman would ever throw her child into the fire?" We said: 'By ALLAH, Never!' So he said: 

"ALLAH is more merciful to His believing servants than that mother could ever be to her child." 

[Bukhari (10/426) & Muslim (18/80)]

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Poem #12

Absence makes heart grow fonder, (╯▽╰) 
Presence makes heart grow bored, (@﹏@) 
Hide & seek makes heart grow excited. \(≧▽≦)/ 

...indeed o(≧v≦)o~~


Monday, 3 June 2013

Poem #11

Her smile is a timeless gift that will never change, even if the face and skin have grow old with increased wrinkles. 

May the same smile be the last feature when leaving this Dunia, and the first appearance in Akhirah, amin.....


Monday, 27 May 2013

Turkish PM defends alcohol ban

PM defends alcohol ban, says gov't does not want a ‘wasted' generation

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaks during a meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in Ankara on Dec. 4, 2012. (Photo: AA)

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has defended a bill recently adopted in Parliament which limits the sale and advertisement of alcoholic beverages across the country, saying the government does not want a “wasted” generation.
“We do not want a generation who drink day and night and who are wasted. They [youth] should be awake and equipped with knowledge. We want such a generation and we are taking steps in this regard,” Erdoğan said on Friday morning.
His remarks come hours after Parliament passed legislation to ban all advertising of alcohol and tighten restrictions on sales in the country.
The legislation, adopted on Friday, bans the sale in stores of alcoholic drinks between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. It also prohibits alcohol sales anywhere close to mosques or educational centers.
The law bars beverage companies from promoting their brands and requires the blurring of images of alcoholic drinks on television.
It also introduces stricter penalties for drunken driving.
The government says the law is aimed at protecting Turkey's youth from the harms of alcohol but secularist opponents accuse the ruling party of gradually imposing an Islamic agenda.

What You See Is What You Do

Everything you say or allow into your eyes or ears becomes data that is stored in your heart. That data is later replayed during your prayer. If you want to know what is filling your heart, look at what you think about in your prayer. If you want to guard your heart, guard your eyes, ears, and tongue. 

Wisdom of Sura Yusuf

The best story I've ever read which has the deepest lessons within its details is Surah Yusuf, the Chapter of the Prophet Joseph pbuh in the Qur'aan. 

Chapter 12. 

You'll be surprised at how comforting, educating & spiritually elevating it is. 

Yusuf Idris - WHY DON'T YOU PRAY? [8-parts videos]

poem #10

An unmarried man who express his love feelings towards the girl he loves, would be reciprocated with love from his lover. 
A man with the title husband who express his love feelings towards his wife, would be reciprocated with love from her, AND pleasing ALLAH too.

When either of them fiancé & fiancée misses each other, it is better for them to pray Du'a to Allah (to enter marriage with His pleasure), than to express their such feelings to each other. 
May Allah grant their wishes to be married as soon as possible.


Teamwork Marriage

Imagine what humor could change in your marriage - if you focused less on being right, and more on being a team. More on what you want, and less on what isn't happening. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Poem #9

It hurts me so much to see today's Utusan headline.
Why? Isn't Utusan like this all the while?
It hurts me because they are blaming my race.
It hurts me even MORE when they also believe in the same religion as I.
No words can translate my tears anymore,
I will leave you to Allah....
No doubt, I am Cina
And I am a Muslim like you too, brother.
May Allah guide us all


p/s: Nevertheless, such incident however, has unite both Muslims and non-Muslims, thus opening a wider opportunity for us to Dakwah this fact: No racism in Islam.

Poem #8

Racism here won't stop, unless you know what racism actually means. 

Non-Muslims will still continue to use the name Allah, unless they know what His name actually means.

Do not talk about love to me if you do not know the One who created love

But well, do you yourself know what it means too? ;)

Friday, 26 April 2013

Poem #7

The feelings contained into a pair of rings is intense. 
But entering into Jannah as a pair of blessed love,
is stronger. 

~ 露雨

Friday, 19 April 2013

Poem #6 - Weird Prejudice

Their prejudice are so strong
that they even dislike
Middle Eastern instrumental music
while okay with Japanese one
despite themselves non-Japanese.


Saturday, 13 April 2013

Kisah Budak Penjual Kuih

From a health pharmacy's sharing at 23 March 2013:

KISAH BUDAK PENJUAL KUIH (Terharu punye kalau bace!)

Selepas seminggu beraya di kampung, saya pulang ke Kuala Lumpur. Memikirkan highway PLUS sibuk, saya menyusuri laluan lama. Pekan pertama yang saya lintas ialah Teluk Intan. Terasa mengantuk, saya singgah sebentar di sebuah restoran di pinggir pekan itu. Sebaik memesan makanan, seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berusia lebih kurang 12 tahun muncul dihadapan.

"Abang nak beli kuih?" katanya sambil tersenyum. Tangannya segera menyelak daun pisang yang menjadi penutup bakul kuih jajaanya.

“Tak apalah dik... Abang dah pesan makanan," jawap saya ringkas.

Dia berlalu. Sebaik pesanan tiba, saya terus menikmatinya. Lebih kurang 20 minit kemudian saya nampak kanak-kanak tadi menghampiri pelanggan lain, sepasang suami isteri agaknya. Mereka juga menolak, dia berlalu begitu saja.

"Abang dah makan, tak nak beli kuih saya?" katanya selamba semasa menghampiri meja saya.

"Abang baru lepas makan dik. Masih kenyang lagi ni," kata saya sambil menepuk-nepuk perut.

Dia beredar, tapi cuma setakat di kaki lima. Sampai di situ, di meletakkan bakulnya yang masih sarat. Setiap yang lalu ditanya, "Tak nak beli kuih saya bang, pak cik, kakak atau makcik?"

Molek budi bahasanya! Mamak restoran itu pun tidak menghalang dia keluar masuk ke premisnya bertemu pelanggan. Sambil memerhati, terselit rasa kagum dan kasihan di hati saya melihatkan betapa gigihnya dia berusaha. Tidak nampak langsung tanda-tanda putus asa dalam dirinya, sekalipun orang yang ditemuinya enggan membeli kuihnya.

Selepas membayar harga makanan dan minuman, saya terus beredar ke kereta. Kanak-kanak itu saya lihat berada agak jauh di deretan kedai yang sama. Saya buka pintu, membetulkan duduk dan menutup pintu. Belum sempat saya menghidupkan enjin, kanak-kanak tadi berdiri di tepi kereta. Dia menghadiahkan sebuah senyuman. Saya turunkan cermin, membalas senyumannya.

"Abang dah kenyang, tapi mungkin abang perlukan kuih saya untuk adik-adik abang, ibu atau ayah abang." katanya petah sekali sambil tersenyum. Sekali lagi dia mempamerkan kuih dalam bakul dengan menyelak daun pisang penutupnya.

Saya tenung wajahnya, bersih dan bersahaja. Terpantul perasaan kesian di hati. Lantas saya buka dompet, dan menghulurkan sekeping not merah RM10. Saya hulurkan padanya.

"Ambil ni dik! Abang sedekah. Tak payah abang beli kuih tu," Saya berkata ikhlas kerana perasaan kasihan meningkat mendadak. Kanak-kanak itu menerima wang tersebut, lantas mengucapkan terima kasih terus berjalan kembali ke kaki lima deretan kedai. Saya gembira dapat membantunya. Setelah enjin kereta saya hidupkan, saya mengundur. Alangkah terperanjatnya saya melihat kanak-kanak itu menghulurkan pula RM10 pemberian saya itu kepada seorang pengemis yang buta kedua-dua matanya.

Saya terkejut, lantas memberhentikan semula kereta, memanggil kanak-kanak itu.

"Kenapa bang nak beli kuih ke?" tanyanya.

"Kenapa adik berikan duit abang tadi pada pengemis tu? Duit tu abang bagi adik!" Kata saya tanpa menjawap pertanyaannya.

"Bang saya tak boleh ambil duit tu. Mak marah kalau dia dapat tahu saya mengemis. Kata mak kita mesti bekerja mencari nafkah kerana Allah berikan tulang empat kerat pada saya. Kalau dia tahu saya bawa duit sebanyak itu pulang, sedangkan jualan masih banyak, mak pasti marah. Kata mak, mengemis kerja orang yang tak berupaya, saya masih kuat bang!" katanya begitu lancar.

Saya sebak, sekaligus kagum dengan pegangan hidup kanak-kanak itu. Tanpa banyak soal saya terus bertanya berapa semua harga kuih dalam bakul itu.

"Abang nak beli semua ke?" Dia betanya dan saya cuma mengangguk. Lidah saya kelu nak berkata.

"RM25 saja bang."

Selepas dia memasukkan satu persatu kuihnya kedalam plastik, saya hulurkan RM25. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih dan terus berlalu.

Saya perhatikan dia sehingga hilang daripada pandangan. Dalam perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur, baru saya terfikir untuk bertanya statusnya. Anak yatimkah? Siapakah wanita berhati mulia yang melahirknya? Terus terang saya katakan, saya beli kuihnya bukan lagi atas dasar kasihan, tetapi kerana rasa kagum dengan sikapnya yang dapat menjadikan kerjayanya satu penghormatan.

Sesungguhnya saya kagum dengan sikap kanak-kanak itu. Dia menyedarkan saya, siapa kita sebenarnya!

"Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan? " ar-rahman