Thursday, 19 December 2013

In Facebook

In Facebook, 
On one side, I see Muslim friends keep sharing politics stuffs. 
On the other side, I see Muslim friends keep sharing dakwah stuffs. 
Meanwhile, non-Muslim friends share just anything happening to them,
while then, they also share wisdom words,
in Facebook.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

HIJAB ~ Bro & Sis

Hijab is not just sisters' struggle to wear them,
it is also brothers' struggle to defend them 
both from misconceptions' attacks.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

CNY Stroll

Yesterday after our reunion dinner, I and my parents decided to have a stroll outside grandma's house. As we walked passed by a few houses, we saw other families having reunion dinners too; interestingly among them was this family dining at their house garden. 

When I see the same activity happening collectively in various places, I can't help but feeling the warmth effect of CNY reunion. However, I do understand not everyone (including certain reverts) is able to dine together due to certain circumstances. Nevertheless, the moment when you have the chance to do so, appreciate this closer to your heart.

(written in Facebook, 10th February 2013)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Most Beloved People to Allah

 أحب الناس إلى الله تعالى أنفعهم للناس ، وأحب الأعمال إلى الله عز وجل سرور يدخله على مسلم ، أو يكشف عنه كربة ، أو يقضي عنه دينا ، أو يطرد عنه جوعا ، ولأن أمشي مع أخ في حاجة أحب إلي من أن أعتكف في هذا المسجد ( يعني : مسجد المدينة ) شهرا ، ومن كف غضبه ستر الله عورته ، ومن كظم غيظه _ ولو شاء أن يمضيه أمضاه _ ملأ الله قلبه رجاء يوم القيامة ، ومن مشى مع أخيه في حاجة حتى تتهيأ له ؛ أثبت الله قدمه يوم تزول الأقدام ، وإن سوء الخلق يفسد العمل كما يفسد الخل العسل

“The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who brings most benefit to people,

and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow Muslim,
or relieve him of distress,
or pay off his debt
or stave away hunger from him.

It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother Muslim in his time of need than I stay secluded in the mosque for a month.

Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will cover his faults

and whoever suppresses his fury while being able to execute it, Allah will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Resurrection.

Whoever walks with his brother Muslim in need until he establishes that for him, Allah will establish his feet firmly on the day when all feet shall slip.

Indeed, bad character ruins deeds just as vinegar ruins honey.”

[At-Tabarani, Silsilah Saheeha, Hasan by Shaykh Albani]

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Everything in this world we live in, needs maintenance.

Our teeth will decay if not maintained with care.

Even airplanes need frequent maintenance.

And yet we think we can live well without prayers.

Knowledge Of The World

Knowledge is so vast, yet we don't have much time to live in this world.

Choose the knowledge that is worth dying for....

....the Hereafter.


In this life, no state is eternal.
If it's painful, be patient, it will change.
If it's pleasurable, don't get attached, it will change.
Yasmin Mogahed

‘Life is a continuous internal struggle for both patience and gratitude. When you have a healthy balance of both, trusting Allah comes quite naturally.’
—from the journal of Umm Zakiyyah