Tuesday 14 April 2015

Lead Them, Or Be Led Away

Initially I was hesitant to talk about my thoughts about grandma's funeral to elderly friends, because I feel it might be something uncomfortable for them.

However, when I was strolling around the graveyard, I notice some deceased are as old as my parents. Seeing these sent shivers down my heart.

It was at this point that I came to realize the fact that, alhamduliah my parents are still well and alive, despite disagreements between me and them.

Life indeed is not only short. It's unpredictable too. We might have lots of disagreements with parents, but never let that overwhelmed the need to spend time with them.

Strive to hold their hands even though they might walk away from you, because we won't know when they will be led away by angel of death...

- 12 April 2015, 15:10PM

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